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Forum: Pick a text chapter to read and evaluate.

Pick a text chapter to read and evaluate.

Please look over the chapters you have not read in this book, either in this course and in others, and choose one you have not yet read but interests you. Read the chapter and then in a post to this forum do the following:

1. Put you name and the chapter number and title in the response title

2. Describe the main points of the chapter in a paragraph

3, Evaluate whether the research studies used seem to backup the author's principles or not. Explain

4. Discuss what you like or didn't like in the chapter and what you can take away and use in your instructional technology endeavors.


Describe the main points of the chapter in a paragraph

Chapter five describes contiguity principle in detail when, and how to use it and the evidence of its effectiveness. The contiguity principle is the use and integration of placing printed text adjacent to the graphics they describe or presenting audio at the same time to the corresponding graphic. This principle gives a psychological advantage as the user would devote limited cognitive resources to understanding the materials.

Evaluate whether the research studies used seem to back up the author's principles or not. Explain

The research studies that have been used does back up the author’s ideas presented in chapter five. The author used five different tests involving research on a presentation about lighting formation and used two groups one group was shown an integrated presentation (text explanation on the left and image on the right) and another group was shown a separated presentation (text on the bottom of the image as a caption). The group that had the integrated presentation had higher problem-solving skills. The chapter gave examples from other studies where using integrated presentations assisted in aiding with training programs for technical tasks. The author showed eye tracking data from newspapers using text without pictures and text with pictures the reader would often look back and forth at the picture and at the text which the author summaries as meaningful learning. This chapter gave a lot of informative information, examples, and studies to back up the idea of the contiguity principle.

Discuss what you like or didn't like in the chapter and what you can take away and use in your instructional technology endeavors.

I liked this chapter a lot it made me think about the placement of text and images and how to use the contiguity principle effectively. It gives me an understanding of how best to use the screen and page real estate. I will be using this principle for creating printed documents and when I create online content that is used for instruction.

I tend to see the violations of the contiguity principle in some textbooks, manuals, and websites.

However with updated changes to many of these websites using HTML5 and bootstrap it is easier to make a website interactive with popovers and tooltips thus using these tools would minimize the issues of breaking the contiguity principles in many websites.

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